Friday 3 December 2021

Underwater city


 sorry i didn't want to do the 2 slides that r not done

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Daerue bake bean and eggs with toast

 Hi there everyone and today i made something that people like...


for the ingredients you need 

1.  two egg

2. a can that says is bake bean's

3. and two bread 

(or you can have a some spaghetti in if you want to.)

1.first you  get a pan to cook your 1 egg so they  can be nice and good to eat 

2.then open your bake beans so you can heat it up

3. then toast your two bread in the toaster so it can be ready to be good 

4. set up your plate with the eggs and toast and bake bean and wala!, you

 got bake bean's and eggs and toast.

i take some pic's so you can see it. OK bye and hope i see you next time.

still making the vid

Tuesday 31 August 2021

 Hello there blogger as you can see i made a slide about VOLCANO. but it not just a volcano it's a ice volcano on Pluto. so if your  interested to seeing a ice volcano on Pluto you could see my slide. Blog you later 

Friday 6 August 2021

ho the places you'll go

Hi my name Daerue,My art work was hard.It took me hours and the painting was the hot air balloons was hard.The clue it was hard to do.Bye💵😁                  ( this is a old one)